Opening Hours

Karrinyup is open 7 days a week. See our regular trading hours below, including our upcoming holiday trading hours. Check this page for updates on all extended, holiday and special event trading hours so you know exactly how to schedule your time.

Please note that some stores may trade outside of the below Regular & Holiday trading hours. Whilst we ensure that all information is correct at the time of publication, some changes may occur from time to time; please check with individual retailers for their specific trading hours.

View individual store trading hours here.


Monday 9am - 5.30pm
Tuesday 9am - 5.30pm
Wednesday 9am - 5.30pm
Thursday 9am - 9pm
Friday 9am - 5.30pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm


Karrinyup Centre
200 Karrinyup Rd
Karrinyup, WA 6018

Please note, individual store opening hours may vary from the Centre's. Whilst we ensure all information is correct at the time of publication, some changes may occur from time to time. We recommend contacting the stores you wish to visit directly, to confirm their opening hours.

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Major Stores Opening Hours

Individual major and specialty stores listed below may vary with their specific trading hours, please check their store detail page for their trading hours.

Located on Ground Floor, The Fresh Market
No phone number available
Open from 11am - 5pm today
Big W
Located on G
(08) 6318 9900
Open from 11am - 5pm today
Located on Ground Floor, The Fresh Market
(08) 6116 7000
Open from 11am - 5pm today
David Jones
Located on G, Level 1
(08) 9210 4671
Open from 11am - 5pm today
Hijinx Hotel
Located on The West Deck, Level One above Good Company
No phone number available
Open from 10am - 9pm today
Located on G, Level 1, Level 2
1300 112 460
Open from 11am - 5pm today
Located on G
(08) 9203 3512
Open from 11am - 5pm today