Silver Sponge Hand Car Wash - West Car Park
Located on B1

Silver Sponge Hand Car Wash - West Car Park

Regular trading hours
  • Monday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Tuesday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Wednesday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Thursday
    9am - 9pm
  • Friday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Saturday
    9am - 5pm
  • Sunday
    11am - 5pm
Find Silver Sponge Hand Car Wash on level B1 of the west multi-deck car park, with access available via Karrinyup Road.

With our busy lifestyles you can enjoy the convenience of having your vehicle professionally cleaned by us while you do your shopping. Ideally you should wash your car weekly or fortnightly and have periodic polishing/waxing to keep the shine and lustre of your paint work looking like new for years.

Washing your vehicle will only remove the dirt you can see. When contaminants such as pollution, fallout such as insects, sap etc. and dust from the brakes get a solid grip on your cars paint, washing alone may not be enough to remove them. They may be too small to see but able to feel with your fingertips, so if you run your hand across the paint after washing and it still feels a little rough, it's time for a treatment. 
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Regular trading hours
  • Monday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Tuesday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Wednesday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Thursday
    9am - 9pm
  • Friday
    9am - 5.30pm
  • Saturday
    9am - 5pm
  • Sunday
    11am - 5pm
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